Daily Archives: August 21, 2018

A Writer Experiences High Tea in London

Yes, you read that correctly.  A writer here who never dreamed of traveling outside the USA found herself in London recently at High Tea.  My kids surprised me as a late celebration of my birthday.  And, boy, did they surprise me!  I’m still hovering in the clouds.

Finger sandwiches – cucumber and smoked salmon, scones with clotted cream and preserves – raspberry and strawberry, decadent desserts, and of course tea – green tea.  Yum!

I fell in love with the clotted cream.  I know the title doesn’t do justice to the taste.  I thought clotted cream would be our equivalent of cottage cheese.  Imagine my amazement when I discovered it was condensed heavy cream with the taste of whipping cream.  Double yum!

However, I have found it nearly – not totally – impossible to buy clotted cream after I returned home.  I checked at Whole Foods in Oklahoma City.  Yes, they carry it, as does Trader Joe’s, but both locations were out.  Can we say major disappointment.

However, another kind shopper came to the rescue.  She was looking for the same thing.  She had heard of making clotted cream in the Instant Pot.  Bingo!  I bought an Instant Pot for Christmas.  She also shared her recommended heavy cream to buy, pure cream without additives and not ultra pasteurized.  Ultra pasteurized is a no-no in making clotted cream.  The cream won’t clot properly, will be gritty.

Here are the some of the references I checked.



I ended up with about 2 cups of clotted cream and 2 cups of whey.  I used the whey in my coffee and made it taste like I had added half-and-half.  Yum!  Probably not good for the cholesterol level, but majorly delicious on taste.


