Yikes! Life’s Busy
Posted in Travel & Adventure, Writing Life and tagged with character development, characterization, feeding the muse, flat characters, focus. take action, hero and heroine, intention to write, Julia Mozingo, layer, muse, novel, plot, plotting party, rewriting, romantic relationship, travel, With Heart from the Heartland, write, Writing on 07/18/2006 02:21 pm by Julia MozingoYikes! Life’s busy. I’ve been so busy that it’s been nearly five weeks since I posted to the blog.
During that time I’ve — rewritten parts of my novel and developed a new story for a novel, created a soothing getaway for my writing muse on my back patio – complete with fountain, swing, plants – flowering and non-flowering, bird feeder, miniature bird bath, and inanimate yard critters. In the front yard, I’ve hung pots of petunias, a bird feeder, and set up a birdbath I can view from the bench on my front porch.
I’ve also vacationed in San Antonio, Texas, at Sea World and the River Walk, where I took loads of pictures.
I’ve hosted a weekend Plotting Party for one of my RWA chapters, which was fabulous. Here we are after dinner Friday evening.
Yesterday I drove to a nearby metro area where I bought a brand new notebook computer for my birthday. I didn’t want to order off the Internet and wait nearly two weeks for it.
Now, I’m charging into my writing to add a layer that will round out my flat characters and strengthen the romantic relationship between the hero and heroine.
Have a great day! And think of your intention to write today. Focus on that intention. Then take action. Write on!